Stock Flowers – How to grow them

Hello Garden Friends! Did you know stock flowers are part of the brassica family?  Stock has a clove-like scent with leaves that resemble cabbage leaves.  They come in many different colors and varieties.  Last year I grew white stock flowers in my moon garden and also grew a stock flower mix, that came in different … Read more

Growing Cantaloupe

Hello! I don’t know about you but growing cantaloupe in the summer is one of my favorite summer treats to grow in the garden. I prefer to grow cantaloupe in my garden then purchase cantaloupe from the store, unless I know it was grown locally and purchased from a farmers market. I grew cantaloupe for … Read more

What is the Benefits of Gardening?

Hello! Today I want to talk about what is the benefits of gardening. Personally I love gardening. When I am in my garden I enjoy watching things grow and seems to keep my stress level and anxiety levels low. Having a garden has many benefits that you can enjoy at home. Do you have a … Read more


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