Vegetable Gardening in Freezing Climates – Zones 1 thru 3

Hello! After I blogged about vegetable gardening in warmer climates – Zones 7 thru 10. I thought I should blog about the really cold zones. I recently posted a blog about hardiness grow zones but thought I would get more detailed about growing in the specific zones. Growing zone’s 1 and 2 are only in … Read more

Vegetable Gardening in Warmer Climates – Zones 7 thru 10

Hello! Today I am going to talk about planting in the warmer climates, specifically zones 7 thru 10. When planting in the warmer climates, the issue here is heat and not cold. The northern climates you deal with cold and not so much heat. I am visiting my daughter and grand kids here in the … Read more


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